Reword Sentence Generator

Need to reword a sentence or paragraph? This paraphrasing tool will perform this task in no time! Our reword sentence generator is free, fast, and intuitive.

Rephrase any text: copy & paste

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🧰 Reword Sentence Tool: Why Use It?

When writing an essay or any other academic paper, you encounter websites, online tools, and apps that can help you reword sentences. You may get confused: why would you need help with such a task? We can explain.

Here are 5 reasons to use a reword sentence generator.

To avoid plagiarism First and foremost, paraphrasing is crucial for staying academically honest. Online tools allow you to spend as little time as possible on conveying the message of some text without changing its meaning. They help deliver the material in an easy and digestible way.
To sound more professional When rewording someone’s sentences, you have to rely on your vocabulary. However, it may not be enough, especially if you need your document to be formal. With online software, you can improve your writing and sound more professional.
To cite material correctly For a successful academic paper, a student should provide quotes from reliable sources. As you probably know, in-text citations require thorough rewording in order not to plagiarize anything. Instead of doing it manually, you can leave this part for the tool and concentrate on research and writing original content.
To present better arguments To support your perspective, you have to write well and choose your words carefully. Using a tool can help you give your ideas and enrich your vocabulary. A reword sentence tool can offer you engaging synonyms and expressions.
To save time Last but not least, an automatic instrument enables you to skip the whole rephrasing part of working on the paper. Such software is a way to personalize any text in seconds. With that, you will have time to focus on the other aspects of your assignment.

🧐 How to Reword a Sentence

Though useful and convenient, reword sentence tools are not always available. So that you don’t have any issues with this task in the future, we suggest you learn to rephrase passages by yourself.

That’s what we’ll cover below.

Rewording, Summarizing, and Quoting

Sometimes, students confuse terminology associated with academic writing, especially when they are unfamiliar with this formal style. For them, paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting may sound similar, but they all have different functions and purposes.

Let’s start with the comparison:

Direct Quotation Paraphrase (or Indirect Quotation) Summary
A direct quote matches the original text word for word. A reworded sentence conveys the meaning of the source through your own words. A summary provides the shortened and paraphrased version of the content.
Its length is the same as that of the original sentence or shorter if you decide to quote just a phrase. It’s approximately the same length, although you can make it more concise. It is much shorter than the source since its purpose is to cut down the original text.
It requires quotation marks. It does not require quotation marks, but if you use indirect quotes – cite your sources. It does not require quotation marks, but if you summarize a passage – cite.

Should You Quote, Summarize, or Reword?

So, when do you use a quotation, summary, or rewording? Let’s figure it out.

✒️ Summarize When…

You would like to establish a background of the issue or give an overview of a topic. Providing a whole source isn’t unacceptable in academic writing. So, you summarize it, bringing the central ideas and arguments together without unnecessary information.

✒️ Quote When...

You would like to use the exact words of the author. Direct quotes can add power to your research and argument. Thus, if you want to disagree or highlight a particular thought, you can copy it into your paper. Make sure it’s no longer than ten words, and add quotation marks.

✒️ Reword When...

You would like to include an indirect quote or make your writing clearer. Rewording is the only way to provide in-text citations without quotes. For APA-style papers, students can use paraphrasing for reporting numerical data and stats.

Indirect Quote Rewording Step by Step

If you’ve decided to reword sentences from sources for your paper, it’s time to learn how to do so. You can use our online tool, of course, which will do all the work for you. Yet, for cases when it’s not available, and you need an indirect quote, follow these steps:

  1. Read the text you are planning to reword. Make sure you understand its overall meaning. If not, read it again.
  2. Underline the words that seem unfamiliar to you. Check their definitions in a dictionary, like Merriam-Webster or
  3. Re-read the piece again with a complete understanding of vocabulary. Pay attention to the opening and closing sentences, as well as the possible keywords.
  4. Summarize the text from memory alone. For now, there is no need to use academic language or any complex sentences.
  5. Write down what you’ve summarized verbally. Change the text to include the main points and academic words.
  6. Find synonyms to replace the words that remain unchanged. When you cannot find an expression with the same meaning, add quote marks.
  7. Alter the structure of your reworded text if it’s too similar to the original.
  8. Add the source you used to the bibliography list. Besides, you should indicate the reworded fragment in your paper by citing it.

Thank you for reading our article! We hope you now know how to reword sentences effectively. If you still need help, you can always use our generator above. And make sure to check the FAQ below if you still have questions about the tool.

❔ Reword Sentence Tool: Frequently Asked Questions

❔ What is it called when you reword a sentence?

In academic writing, rewording a passage or sentence means finding new expressions to convey the same message with different words. It allows one to make the original text more concise and clear. At the same time, the initial meaning should stay intact.

❔ Is there a website that will reword sentences?

You can use our website for rewording sentences. It employs state-of-the-art AI software to help you with your assignments, which will enable you to focus on more important tasks than paraphrasing. Plus, it is available online 24/7 and absolutely free to use.

❔ How do I reword something?

To reword any text for academic writing, you need to understand the source material. Find its central idea and keep all the crucial arguments in mind. Then, write them down using your own words and transitions. Make sure to change the sentence structure and preserve the meaning.


❗ References

  1. What is Paraphrasing? | The Library, TUS Midwest
  2. Quoting and Paraphrasing | The Writing Center, UW–Madison
  3. Paraphrasing and Summarizing: Techniques | Learning Hub