Précis Writer: Online 24/7 Generator

Need to wrap up a long text or speech? This precis generator is able to summarize any document into a couple of paragraphs! Absolutely free and user-friendly.

Copy & paste your text to generate summary

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Here is your summary:


🤔 What Is a Precis Generator?

A precis writer is an online tool that takes pieces of academic writing and shortens them to an appropriate length. All the essential information remains intact, while every unimportant sentence gets excluded automatically.

In essence, our precis maker compresses your text into one paragraph. The overall word count will be reduced by 50% or more. Be mindful that it will not create unique content since our generator reuses the sentences from the given piece to compose a precis.

☝️ Precis Maker: Basic Information

Many online instruments help students complete their homework, accomplish different projects, and prepare for exams. Even on our website, you can find automatic rephrasers, research question generators, and similar tools. However, you might have never heard about an instrument such as a precis maker.

  • What is it?
  • How does it work?
  • Let’s figure it out!

What Is a Precis?

A precis is a way of recreating an original text’s meaning, tone, and structure. Though the term looks similar to “precise,” the words are pronounced differently. A good precis is defined by its conciseness, coherence, and clarity. Most importantly, the fundamental ideas from the source should remain unchanged.

A precis is not an outline but a kind of summary as it reduces the text's scale. Yet, the reader won’t understand they are looking at a shortened version. A precis imitates the material to the extent that it looks like an average short text. Besides, it contains a suitable heading and conclusion and lacks opinions about the original material.

Summary vs. Precis - What's the Difference?

The main difference between a precis and a summary is that the former requires you to use the source’s language and structure. Thus, write precis only when your instructor tells you to.

⭐ Summary ⭐ Precis
Titles are usually not required. It includes a heading or title.
A summary retells the gist of the original text, listing its main ideas. A precis recreates the source, serving as its small model.
The source’s order can be changed. It should maintain the original structure.
A summary contains all the crucial points of the material. A precis can include only the most necessary ideas from the source.
Generally, it is supposed to be rephrased in the writer’s own words. Its tone and style should be taken from the original.

🔏 Characteristics of a Successful Precis

There are some features of a good precis which our experts gathered here:

  1. It should have a title or a heading.
  2. It has to be clear and straightforward.
  3. It should be smaller than the original text.
  4. It has to be coherent as stand-alone material.
  5. It should not have any details that are not in the source.
  6. It should follow the same order of ideas as in the original.
  7. It should have transition words.
  8. It can’t convey any opinions about the material it recreates.
  9. It should have an appropriate conclusion.

📝 Rhetorical Precis Writing: Online Template

A rhetorical precis focuses on delivering the content in a manner similar to the original. It is a structured paragraph that combines a summary and rhetorical analysis.

To nail a format of any rhetorical precis, you should write only four sentences. Each corresponds with a specific part of the shortened text:

1st sentence Who, When, and What?
2nd sentence How?
3rd sentence Why?
4th sentence For Whom?

Let’s look at the things you should cover in these four sentences. Or you can read a precis example via the link.

First Sentence

The first sentence should have the name of the author, the work’s title, and the piece’s genre. It should include the date in parenthesis, an active verb, and a clause that has a central thesis in the text.

✅ Sample rhetorical precis:

In his essay “Audiences” (1994), Douglas Park suggests that teaching an audience is an essential but elusive aspect of teaching how to write.

Second Sentence

You should explain how the author develops and proves their thesis statement there. It answers the “how?” question.

✅ Sample rhetorical precis:

Park develops this idea by exploring different definitions of an audience, looking at how a text can delineate an audience, and then discussing specific strategies writers can use to create a context for the readers.

Third Sentence

Include the statement of the author’s purpose after the “in order to” phrase. In this sentence, it is time to consider why they have written the paper.

✅ Sample rhetorical precis:

His purpose is to help writing teachers understand and learn how to explain the different aspects of the audience in order to help students improve how they treat their readers while writing.

Fourth Sentence

In your conclusion, describe the audience and the author's relationships with it. Look at the publication and think about who can read this text.

✅ Sample rhetorical precis:

Park establishes an informal relationship with teachers who are interested in strengthening their students’ weak writing.

That’s it! Thank you for reading! Feel free to use our precis writing tool whenever you need it. Also, check the FAQ below to find out more about the generator.

❔ Precis Generator - FAQ

❔ How do you make a precis?

A precis is a shortened model of the text in which the main ideas are preserved. To write one, you should be very careful to maintain the objective and the theme of the source. Besides, try to imitate the author’s tone and recreate the order of their thought process.

❔ What is not allowed in a precis?

While writing precis, you can’t convey your personal opinion about the text or ask questions. Don’t include any new information since you can rely solely on the material you’re shortening. Also, don’t use short forms or abbreviations.

❔ How do you turn a paragraph into a point?

Using our precis writing tool, you can turn a paragraph into a point. Simply copy the passage, paste it into the empty space, and set up the number of sentences you need. The result will be on your screen in a matter of seconds.


❗ References

  1. Précis: Definition and Examples | ThoughtCo
  2. How to Write a Precis | Monmouth University
  3. Start Here: Write a Précis | Guides at University of Guelph