Special Features of Erickson’s Theory of Ego Integrity Versus Despair

Topic: Developmental Psychology
Words: 299 Pages: 1

Learning about Erickson’s theory of ego integrity and despair taught me a lot about conceding the future more favorably. This topic might be quite sensitive for many people since most of them associate growing up and aging solely with unenthusiastic consequences. It can be impacted by various biological, environmental, and cultural inputs by creating certain stigmas in our society (Lane & Munday, 2017). However, the more extensive perception of the material helps to assume the background of such severe concern about the future uncertainty and overcome this condition.

Identification behavior patterns and individuality develop continuously throughout life, starting in early childhood. According to Erickson, each person goes through several critical phases due to the progress of their personality and worldview perception (Berk, 2017). These concepts are shifting, adjustable, and can form throughout the lifespan. Views on life, death, and other significant matters can be radically different in youth and adulthood. Every life stage is mainly characterized by socially-oriented tasks and achievements according to a certain age. Erickson characterizes late adulthood (65 years and older) as the fulfillment of an ego-identity complete form based on the entire path of personality development. The ability to adequately manage this expectation is significantly determined by the cultural and environmental characteristics of the surrounding society (Westerhof et al., 2017). The situation can be aggravated by social stigmas directed at ageism and some biological aspects of the body since age inevitably entails health changes.

I feel like I eventually need to recognize the fact that life is a rather unique fate, and every decision has a meaning. The aging cannot be terminated, but it can be met with dignity and no regret. For this, I need to establish my life goals and purposes, open my mind to all potential routes of life, and find composure.


Berk, L. E. (2017). Development through the lifespan (7th Edition). Pearson Education (US). Web.

Lane, T. D., & Munday, C. (2017). Ego integrity versus despair. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Web.

Westerhof, G. J., Bohlmeijer, E. T., & McAdams, D. P. (2017). The relation of ego integrity and despair to personality traits and mental health. The Journals of Gerontology, 72(3), 400–407. Web.

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