Effects of Family, Peers, and Early Schooling on Child Development

Topic: Developmental Psychology
Words: 309 Pages: 1
Table of Contents


It is always a norm that our actions, beliefs, and virtues reflect how we were brought up. Individuals brought up in varied environments and family setups are believed to have developed differently due to diverging parenting styles, peers, and early education. These concepts are crucial in children’s growth and significantly contribute to their experiences. Therefore, the surrounding is vital for youngsters’ development and determines their conduct.

Main body

The family has compelling influences on the developing of an individual’s personality traits. It has recently been defined as a place where bonding and personalities are formed; hence, it plays a significant role in young people’s development. Most children take the personality of those people around them and mostly copy these characters to their adulthood (Masarik & Conger, 2017). For instance, as a child, I was brought up in a large family where I was taught the value of sharing, no matter how little it was. Peers also affect the development of their fellow agemates, primarily those who have been battling different insecurities in their childhood. A child’s development is also influenced by early education. Young ones are much more active at their early ages; therefore, they grasp concepts quickly. Experience gained during early schooling enhances an individual’s thinking and creativity, promoting a healthy child experience (Burchinal, 2017). For example, I can still recite poems and sing the songs taught in pre-school.


Conclusively, the child’s environment is essential in determining various experiences. Thus, as a child psychologist, I would make several recommendations regarding priorities and strategies for promoting healthy child experiences. For instance, it is imperative to create awareness about the importance of responsible relationships between children and their peers to prevent them from being victims of bad influence. Additionally, parents should be taught the effects of having healthy child-parent relationships to avoid imposing unintentional stress on their youngsters.


Burchinal, M. (2018). Measuring early care and education quality. Child Development Perspectives, 12(1), 3-9. Web.

Masarik, A. S., & Conger, R. D. (2017). Stress and child development: A review of the Family Stress Model. Current Opinion in Psychology, 13, 85-90. Web.

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