Discussion: Family Engagement Practices

Topic: Family Psychology
Words: 296 Pages: 1

Based on the content of the ted talk, family engagement practices are vital for children’s overall growth and development. Involving young ones in various activities where they play and interact with their parents, they are more likely to have better social growth (TED, 2016). The exposure increases child’s confidence and the ability to relate with their peers and parents, which is critical in promoting their understanding of their surroundings.

The other perspective that family engagement practices promote is the development of a strong bond between the child and parents. When children are allowed to communicate freely with their guardians, they develop close connections, which allow them to share their concerns and issues they are facing either at home or in the school environment (Epstein, 2018). Having such relationships improves toddlers’ emotional development and thus makes them overcome the fear that might prevent them from performing well in school.

Moreover, family engagement practices are essential in making the parents understand their roles and responsibilities in the social, cognitive, emotional, and psychological development. When guardians are well aware of their impacts on children’s lives, they will be able to treat the young ones accordingly to ensure they grow properly to become better persons. Furthermore, the involvement enhances the ability of parents and the community to formulate effective ways of handling possible challenges that toddlers might face during school transition. This aspect will make the guardians feel empowered and focused on helping their children develop appropriately. In addition, such practices positively impact the learning outcome of young ones (Smith & Sheridan, 2019). When toddlers observe their parents perform some classroom-related activities, they become motivated and eager to impress their parents as well. Therefore, it is fundamental for educators to embrace and encourage family engagement practices to influence children’s well-being.


Epstein, J. L. (2018). School, family, and community partnerships in teachers’ professional work. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(3), 397-406.

Smith, T. E., & Sheridan, S. M. (2019). The effects of teacher training on teachers’ family-engagement practices, attitudes, and knowledge: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 29(2), 128-157.

TED. (2016). Family engagement. [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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