Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood

Topic: Developmental Psychology
Words: 381 Pages: 1

According to many models studied in age psychology, the period from age 25 to 64 is a period of intermediate maturity, characterized by several physiological and psychological changes. These changes include a decrease in taste, smell, and pain sensitivity, several physiological changes in women associated with childbirth, and the more frequent appearance of health problems than before. Although this age is considered the most important in a person’s life, many difficulties await the person during this period, one of which is the midlife crisis, overcoming which specialists can help.

Middle adulthood is generally characterized by the fact that the person stops growing and developing physically, and many other body processes stagnate or gradually degrade. During this period, the individual gradually loses the sensitivity of several of his perceptual organs, and the morbidity increases significantly compared to the previous stage of development. Many women at this age give birth to children, which affects the mother’s figure and hormonal and mental state (Dunkel & Harbke, 2017). Although all of these changes are important mentally, they still compare poorly to previous developmental stages regarding the rate at which physiological changes occur.

Erikson described the process occurring during this period of human development as a confrontation between generativity and stagnation. People become more inclined to think about reproduction and devote themselves to children, households, and families. It is fraught with problems associated with overprotection, but on the other hand, some avoid these difficulties by concentrating on their desires. In such cases, social workers and other specialists must exclude all the physiological factors associated with unhealthy sleep and improper lifestyle and help the person find himself. This point is significant since, by this age, the person is usually limited by his professional activities and would do well to change his lifestyle somewhat and reflect on his values.

Thus, during middle adulthood, a person ceases to develop rapidly, and aspects of their psychological state begin to change only point by point. Emerging health problems, the appearance of the first wrinkles, changes in body shape, dulling of the senses, and other factors more often associated with old age exacerbate this feeling. At such moments, essential to get help from a specialist who can help the person understand his internal problems and view his life from a different perspective.


Dunkel, C. S., & Harbke, C. (2017). A review of measures of Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development: Evidence for a general factor. Journal of Adult Development, 24(1), 58-76.

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